• Implemented IT asset tracking and management software
  • Administered and managed Windows Server for the team which ran Autodesk Vault
  • Devised a new backup system for AutoDesk Vault server
  • Coordinated with university IT to implement new wiki software for the team to help improve collaboration and knowledge transfer
  • Created helpdesk and provided hardware and software support for team computers
  • Worked with university IT to create, deploy, and update standardized Windows images for team computers with SCCM

I rebuilt the prisum.org website completely from scratch with new content management software. Previously, the site was entirely hand-coded, which made updates extremely difficult and time-consuming. Rebuilding the site with new browser-based content management software and templating massively increased maintainability, along with allowing non-developers to easily and quickly make content updates. In the process of rebuilding the site, I implemented lazy image, font, and CSS loading, automatic image resizing and compression, critical CSS generation, and no-reload page transitions which reduced monthly bandwidth usage and page load times by 95%, improving SEO.